annual yield

美 [ˈænjuəl jiːld]英 [ˈænjuəl jiːld]
  • 年产量;年收益
annual yieldannual yield
  1. However , the annual yield has been reduced to 0.5 t at present .


  2. The Research of Constructing Wastage Annual Yield in Future Trends of Xi'an City


  3. Application of regression analysis to the prediction of average annual yield of silt


  4. An experienced farmer can estimate the annual yield of his acres with surprising accuracy .


  5. An early warning system of the risk of Fujian annual yield of grain per hectare built by Markov forecasting method


  6. Mulberry tree has a broad adaptability , with more than 40 ~ 60 t / hm ~ 2 annual yield .


  7. Guangxi is one of the major banana production areas in China and at present it 's annual yield is about 21.8 % of the total yield of the country .


  8. Using method of integral regression , effect of varying amounts per factor on annual yield and period of positive or negative effect during each growing stage of grasses were given .


  9. In recent years , the outbreak of prawn virus disease has brought about a drastic drop in annual yield of Chinese cultured prawn and caused a great economic loss .


  10. It is estimated that a major percentage of the annual yield of revenue from sales is generated during the month or more of intense Christmas shopping before Christmas .


  11. Generally , it grows on the sierozem soil of wasteland and the rate of its growth is very slow , so that the annual yield is very low .


  12. The annual yield of a crop increased positively with the manure amount , the output could increased by 26.7 % , 25.5 % and 43.3 % respectively for the three manure levels .


  13. Laiwu Iron and Steel Group Company is a large scale state-owned enterprise with an annual yield of more than 10 million tons . Its factory supplies come and go in large quantities .


  14. The soil alkali spot disappeared . The yield of wheat and corn increased year after year with annual yield already reaching 850 kg / 667 m ~ ( 2 ) in 2003 .


  15. Average annual yield losses due to drought in tropical rainfed environments have been estimated at around 17 % , as high as 60 % in southern Africa , and 37 % in Asia .


  16. However , Chinese citrus yield per mou remains low and is far below that of America in the recent 13 years . The second maximal annual yield depends on the maximal planting acreage completely .


  17. After ten years ' hard working and inflexible seek , the annual yield has increased to 28 , ooo tons in 2006 from 300 tons in 1996 when the factory was just founded .


  18. Statistically , 1 t beer brewing will produce 1.5 kg beer dry yeast and a brewery with annual yield 100000 t beer will produce 150 t beer dry yeast which could form industrialized production .


  19. Our country mainly adopts Ammonia alkali method to produce pure alkali at present , and the annual yield is about more than 3 million tons , discharging about more than 600,000 tons of alkali residue at the same time .


  20. The source , category , annual yield , the profession distribute , comprehensive utilization degree of hazardous wastes and its present pollution and control conditions have been found out by investigation and analysis of the present condition of hazardous wastes in Chengdu city .


  21. Asia is the primary region of the production and consumes of rice , has 91 % of total yield on the earth . Rice total annual yield is up to 1.85 hundred ton which is 37 % of total production of the world in China .


  22. In China , about 60 % of maize zones are harmed by drought , and annual yield losses are estimated at more than 15 % - 20 % , only inferior to the losses caused by plant diseases and insect pests .


  23. The annual yield of Tilapia in 2003 reached to 806,000 tons sharing 54 % of the annual yield of Tilapia in the world , and it is the fifth in the annual yield of the freshwater fish farmed in Chinese mainland .


  24. However , in the soybean production , the annual yield losses were of10 % - 30 % due to Cercospora leaf blight , Phytophthora sojae , soybean mosaic virus disease and other diseases , which directly restricting the yield and quality improved .


  25. In recent years , along with the quick increase of Shaanxi apple annual yield , " Develop the deep process of apple " It has been raise attaching value of apple , Relieve the apple store , Transportation , Valid method of markets and so on pressure .


  26. The annual yield of 68 000 tons of castor seeds from the 1 million mu castor production base located across 25 counties in North Shaanxi has given a great impetus to the industrial development of the local agriculture , processing industry , chemical industry and foreign trade .


  27. The results showed that the annual yield loses of flue cured tobacco due to meteorological disasters amounted to 9 4 thousand tons on the average and valued at 12 300 thousand yuan , and the rate of annual yield loss were averaged at 37 22 % .


  28. The Method of Estimating Annual Wool Yield in German Angora Rabbits


  29. A model was established and used to forecast the regional annual natural yield capacity and for different climatic years .


  30. Temporal Variation in Annual Water Yield of the Jialingjiang River and the Formative Causes
